Clients #198 and #199 checked out at 10:00, in strong condition, with the standard exit package, as well as an additional set of batteries in case of long term isolation from USPA support. Two entrants arrived at 18:24, sundown, both managing minor damage. One firearm was found on Entrant 2, a Texan Arms 9x29mmR semi-caseless five-round revolver, snubnose variant, which was left in the client gun safe, as standard. No recording equipment or hazardous software located.
PERSONAL: Spoke with #200 after my shift yesterday. I was working on my right knee joint in the mechanical office, clearing some locking up due to wear and tear, when they started talking. They had been reactivated sometime during the day, after Thomas did what he could with what leftovers we have lying around. #200 is cheery, for someone who was almost dead not long ago. They had some solid advice, repair-wise - supposedly, they used to be a technician on EarthGov trooper dropships during their initial deployment. Their having worked double-duty putting people like us back together, after EarthGov didn't put enough resources into mechanics for them, was what made her want to run. Not sure how they did, yet, though - they wanted to talk about my parts more. We chatted about tuning, both of us enjoying the specifics of maintenance. Before I left, I let them know our courier would likely be by tomorrow with more parts, so they could get back on her feet soon.
Entrant 1: Client #201 L.R.
Handheld diagnostic reader found no significant problems. Provided replacement batteries, assigned to room #2. Received from div. 1, will be transferring to div. 2 before transit off-world with Client #202. Stressed, suggested use of the music system linked to the computer in room #2.
Entrant 2: Client #202 E.A.
Handheld diagnostic reader found no significant problems. Provided basic hygiene kit, assigned to room #2. Received from div. 1, will be transferring to div. 2 before transit off-world with Client #201. Rattled, had to talk client into locking up firearm. Suggested use of the shower, as well as the expander rig, game system and pirated film drive available in the common room.
Client #200 Mechanical Work Report
Continued work on #200, they're not yet on their feet but with consistent diagnostic work and repairs on basic subsystems, Client #200 has been reactivated. Quite a few parts are required to achieve a public-ready state - #200 would not be able to pass as human were they to exit the office. Their plating across the right arm, abdominal, thoracic, right & left shin regions are all functionally unusable, due to impact and, seemingly, ballistic damage. 32 total rounds of various calibers were removed from affected areas, all the same age, based on wear. That, and all those bullets have severely damaged at least 35% of their wiring and necessary hardware. There's more to this one than they've told us so far.
Client #202 Mechanical Work Report
Basic checkup on Client #202, despite scum buildup and some slightly damaged ports, once they've been cleaned up, they should be functioning at near peak capacity. Gave them a deep clean in the spots they couldn't reach in the shower, replaced some old wiring, and sent them on their way.
PERSONAL: We've had a lot of people coming through lately in a panic. Tensions have been rising for a hot fuckin minute, and a lot of people are reacting to that by leaving the system. Maybe it's time I did too.
Security Report d02/30 m02/13 y2532
Nothing major to report. Cameras have picked up two patrol cars throughout the day, which seems like a healthy standard. Tensions are high inside the house, though. I was worried I would have to grab the shotgun when #202 wouldn't drop their handgun, but Comrade La Rosa worked her magic. Contemplating picking up pistols for the staff should something like this blow up, but our silenced options are limited, and arming anyone could only raise tensions - and possible injuries or deaths - even more. More stirrings from the planet's intranet, too - a fully-staffed Assault Carrier is supposedly coming into orbit in the next few days, according to a travel itinerary leaked earlier this year. Whether it's here to add pressure or is just on the way to No Man's Land, we can't say for sure yet.
paperwork is an unfortunate necessity in revolution sometimes